Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Updated Craft and Decorating Supplies

*old pair of hiking boots
*scrap lumber (1"x '2'approx)
*aluminum pie tins or take-out containers
*paper towel & tp tubes
*1-1 1/2" PVC tubes, 2-3' long

*firewood logs
*lg. pinecones
*sm. pinecones
*palm-sized rocks
*quarter-sized rocks
*natural materials, such as pods, sprigs, nuts
*fairly straight twigs (3-4")

*12 oz. bottles of water (one for each camper)
*contact paper
*1/2" googly eyes
*1" grosgrain ribbon in 1 yd. lengths
*26-28 gauge wire
*2-3 bags of play sand

To Borrow during VBS week
*5 laundry baskets
*artificial Christmas trees (no bigger than 9')
*fire pit (for looks only!)
*hiking boots (esp. size 8 mens or 9 womens)
*fishing vests, hats and short poles
*needle-nosed pliers
*wire snips
*small canoe
*red/black plaid blankets
*red/white plaid tablecoths
*mounted antlers
*taxidermied fish
*stuffed woodland animals (bears, racoons, skunks, owls, moose, squirrels)

Volunteer Event...This Saturday!

Come and take a peek at SonRock Kids' Camp! This Saturday from 9-10:30 am, we will walk through our VBS to get a sense of the program and drum up some excitement! Volunteers from Emmaus Road and Park Free will join together to get to know one another, have a snack, preview materials and get our questions out there...

Please come!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What a Blessing

Melody and Kurt Goodenough have offered to serve a light dinner (Soup 'r Supper) for our VBS volunteers and their families prior to the start of the program each evening.  Thank you for this fabulous ministry and the gift of your precious time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009


VBS will now be held on August 10-14 (Monday through Friday.)
It will.
For sure, now.