Monday, March 23, 2009

Job Descriptions

As you are considering your involvement in VBS, these job descriptions may come in handy. The rationale behind the VBS format this year is to take advantage of our people resources to be with the campers as much as possible during the week and get a chance to really know them.

Teaching Lead: Each grade level will have a homebase. There will be a lead and as many helpers as the number of students require. This team will be responsible for: reinforcement of Bible lesson with activities, seatwork, games and/or memory work. There is a fabulous guide for each level that will have more than enough for the teacher to choose from.

Campers will also do their craft and eat their snack at their homebase. (The craft will be prepared and delivered in advance and children will be invited to bring their own snacks from home.) The teaching team will accompany their group to the opening assembly, the nature center, and the closing assembly, as well.

Song Leader: Campers will receive a CD of the SonRock Kids' Camp songs. We have a split track CD available to use in the assemblies, but we are open to using a live band if God raises up those talents!

Audio/Visual: The team will prepare equipment and run sound for the opening and closing assemblies. There will also be some Power Point projection needed. There will also be a need for copying CDs for the campers and, possibly, some pre-recording of Bible dramas.

Drama Coordinator: Each day's Bible story will be dramatized at the end of the opening assembly. The drama coordinator will work with volunteers to assign parts, oversee whatever rehearsal may be necessary, and find costumes and props.

Actors/Storytellers: Individuals will work with the drama coordinator to act out the daily Bible stories. A live or recorded narration may be chosen.

Dr. Forest R. Cool/ Dr. Therese R. Cool: This character is our camp "naturalist". Envision a live caricature of a scientist, dressed in safari gear... The staff member will prepare a science and nature activity for the campers for each day (perhaps alternating with traditional recreational activities or games.) The program details these lessons and we can adapt them to our various age groups. This will be the one exception to the homebased activities and campers will come to the nature center with their teaching team at an assigned time.

Art Prep Coordinator: This individual will be in charge of preparing craft projects to varying degrees for use in the home bases. Some shopping expertise and recycling creativity may be required! The coordinator will assign prep activities (and maybe an evening event) as required. This person will need to be on hand during the week to distribute projects to classrooms, "train" teachers, and, perhaps be on hand to help with larger groups or more complicated projects.

Nursery Coordinator: We will provide a nursery for infants and toddlers of our volunteers. Our coordinator will schedule volunteers and oversee the nursery operations.

Safety Coordinator: This individual would ideally have some nursing or other medical background and would be present during the camp to respond to first-aid needs. He or she will be the keeper of the emergency cards and band-aids! Also, this person can schedule our building security/safety patrol during the week.

Registrar: There is a great deal of paperwork to be sent out and received before camp begins and on the first night. This individual will receive registrations and help develop balanced class lists. Another charge will be name tags and nightly attendance records(for tracking and safety purposes.)

Publicity: Some print materials are needed for registration and promotion of the VBS program. Additionally, we may choose to place ads in local press and businesses, as well as online at our church websites.

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